Monday, February 7, 2011

3 Weeks Til Showtime!

Hi folks,

We've got a Facebook event up now - which means that it's really happening! (As we all know, nothing is truly official until it's on Facebook.) Check it out! Also, Patricia from The Music and Artists' Social Club has blogged about us as a Fringe Show to see, which is fantastic! She's actually going to be videoing the performance for us, so that's pretty neat.

In the meantime, here are a couple of shots from a few weeks back at the cast pot luck. It turns out that pretty much everyone in the cast is a really good cook. Who knew?

A rather classy looking table of rather classy looking food. I quite liked the asparagus. 

Emma and Lorenz in an obviously intense conversation. A rather classy-looking Saran, clearly displaying her best side to the camera. And Kirsty poking out from around the back, stirring the delicious soup.

Cordelia is amused. Potentially by Emma's epic posing. 

Saran, slaving over a hot stove with such a gleeful expression that you can't really feel too sorrow for her. 

Pandrew is a dishes ninja! And Saran is sneakily in shot. 

Rose, Hans and Kirsty - I think it's a toast. I'm not sure. All I can really tell from this shot is that Hans looks rather taken aback, Kirsty looks somewhat resigned to her fate and I apparently didn't get the memo that this photo was supposed to be funny. 

Catch up with y'all later - with more sneak-peeks into the show, cast, crew and general antics!


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